Always Was Always Will Be

As screened on NITV & SBS Television
33 mins 1989 Rated G

A testimonial record of the ten-month long camp at the Old Swan Brewery in peaceful protest against the building of a tourist centre on the Sacred Grounds of the Waugul,Perth – 1989

In 1989 a dispute over the redevelopment of the Old Swan Brewery on the Sacred Grounds of the Waugul, Kings Park, Perth convulsed the politics of Western Australia. Its lessons are important for all who are concerned about Aboriginal rights and culture, the environment, the progressive role of Trade Unions, the integrity of the Labor Party and the social/spiritual activities of the Churches.

Made as a campaign film, Always Was Always Will Be, is a visually rich account of this historically important struggle over a sacred site, giving  an insight into the living culture and beliefs of urban Aboriginal people in Western Australia.

“This is the account of the protest to protect the Ancestral First Grandmothers’ and Grandfathers’ beliefs of the Sacred Ground of the Waugul at the old Swan Brewery on the Swan River in Perth, W.A. The Western Australian Government has gotten around its own Aboriginal Heritage Act which is meant to protect sacred sites. They are trying to push through a huge tourist development against widespread opposition. The Aboriginal protesters have brought construction to a halt. They have appealed to the trade Unions and to the Federal Government for support. Their historic protest camp and coming-togetherness in the centre of the capital city has been a lesson to the Second Race of People. As Aboriginal People are custodians for this country, this their film has been made in the hope of tomorrow that justice will be done….”
                                   –Robert Bropho, Campaign Leader

Made by Robert Bropho, Martha Ansara and other protesters working with representatives of Trade Unions and Churches